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Ko Otewa marae (he ingoa anō hoki Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui marae) kei te 10 kirometa ki te rāwhiti o Otorohanga. Ōna ake hapū kgāti Parewaeono me Ngāti Urunumia o Ngāti Maniapoto iwi.

Tō te tupuna whare ingoa Ko Te Hokingai ki te Nehenehenui, te wharekai ko Aroha Nui. Tū ana te marae i the poraka whenua Rangitoto Tuhua 33C 3 B 4 B 1 D 2.  Ō Otewa herenga kōrero ki a Tainui waka, te awa o Waipa, te maunga Pirongia.

I kāheti atu a te marae o Otewa i NZ Gazette Notice, 22 Sept. 1960:

Setting apart Māori Freehold land as a Māori Reservation for the purposes of a marae, meeting place, papakainga, recreation ground, sports ground, and place of historical interest, for the common use or benefit of the members of the Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Rereahu, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Matakore, Ngāti Paretāpoto, Ngāti Urunumia, and Ngāti Ngutu tribes and sub-tribes or of any other tribe or sub-tribe allied with or being offshoots of any of the above.

Waikato - Maniapoto highlighted on a map of Aotearoa


995 Otewa Rd Otewa Ōtorohanga 3975

Contact Type



Lorraine Anderson

Key information

Community Trust
Trust Waikato
Aroha Nui
Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui

Other marae in the rohe