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Mō Ngā Marae

We are seeking your help to refresh information and photos of your marae on our website.

Māori Maps collects information on marae from public sources, and displays photographs taken from outside of marae kuwaha (gateways). Most photographs on the site date from the 2010–2013 period, and we are keen to display more recent photos.

Marae committees are invited to send in any corrections or updates to information to; we endeavour to respond within 24 hours.

Photos should be:

  1. Taken from the kuwaha/ gateways, not inside the marae complex or any of the whare.
  2. Supplied digitally as jpeg or tiff files, minimum 300 dpi and 1 MB in size.
  3. Accompanied by this information:
  • Marae name
  • Photographer name, affiliation and link to marae
  • Date of photo
  • Any additional marae information.

Māori Maps will use photos for its website and communications only, crediting the photographer on every use.

Please email photos to If you have many large photos to share, email us and we’ll share a Dropbox link where you can upload the files.