Te Ore Ore
Te Ore Ore marae is the closest marae to the township of Masterton and is located on the banks of the Ruamahanga River. The principal hapū associated with this marae are Ngāti Hamua and Ngāi Tamahau, but numerous other hapū (detailed below) affiliate to the marae. The marae has strong connections to Rangitāne (sharing connections also to Ngāti Kahungunu).
Te Ore Ore was established in the early 1880s under the guidance of the prophet Paora Potangaroa. The whare tipuna Ngā Tau e Waru was built under the mana of the chief Wi Waaka and opened on 5 January 1880; it was destroyed by fire 1939. The current whare was opened in March 1941. The marae connects ancestrally to the maunga Rangitūmau, the awa Ruamahanga and the waka collective of Kurahaupō.
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Key information
- Rōhe
- Takitimu
- Community Trust
- Community Trust of Wellington
- Awa
- Ruamahanga
- Maunga
- Rangitūmau
- Whare
- Ngā Tau e Waru