Waikato - Maniapoto
Otewa marae (also referred to as Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui marae) is located 10 km to the east of Ōtorohanga. Its hapū are Ngāti Parewaeono and Ngāti Urunumia of the Ngāti Maniapoto iwi.
The wharenui is named Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui and the wharekai is Aroha Nui. The marae sits on the Māori land block known as Rangitoto Tuhua 33C 3 B 4 B 1 D 2. Otewa connects ancestrally to the Tainui waka, the awa Waipa, and the maunga Pirongia.
Otewa marae was set out in the NZ Gazette Notice, 22 Sept. 1960:
Setting apart Māori Freehold land as a Māori Reservation for the purposes of a marae, meeting place, papakainga, recreation ground, sports ground, and place of historical interest, for the common use or benefit of the members of the Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Rereahu, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Matakore, Ngāti Paretāpoto, Ngāti Urunumia, and Ngāti Ngutu tribes and sub-tribes or of any other tribe or sub-tribe allied with or being offshoots of any of the above.
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Lorraine AndersonKey information
- Rōhe
- Waikato--Maniapoto
- Community Trust
- Trust Waikato
- Wharekai
- Aroha Nui
- Whare
- Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui