Ngāti Kohua
Te Tai Tokerau
Ngāti Kohua marae is located in Kauri Bay on the Clevedon–Kawakawa Road east of Howick, Auckland, looking out to Waiheke and Ponui islands. Its principal hapū is Te Ahi Koura of the iwi Ngāti Kohua.
The marae connects ancestrally to the awa of Wairoa and the moana Waitemata, and belongs to the wider waka collective of Tainui. Ngāti Kohua is under the protection of the maunga Otau.
Ngāti Kohua marae consists of the wharenui Ngāti Kohua, a whare wananga named Whare Putake, an urupa, and a whare karakia named Te Toku Toru Tapu, which was built in 1911 by Tete Paraone. The wharenui is being restored to become a whare taonga to house ancestral treasures of the community and hapu of Ngāti Kohua.
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877 Clevedon Kawakawa Road
Key information
- Rōhe
- Tāmaki
- Community Trust
- ASB Community Trust
- Awa
- Waitemata
- Maunga
- Otau
- Whare Karakia
- Te Toku Toru Tapu
- Whare
- Whare Putake
- Hui: Tikanga / Kawa
- Waikato
- Tangi: Tikanga / Kawa
- Waikato