Hiruhārama (Patiarero)
Te Tai Hauāuru
Hiruhārama marae (also known as Patiarero) is situated in Jerusalem, along the Whanganui River. Its principal hapū is Ngāti Hau of the iwi Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi.
The wharenui is named Whiri-Taunoka, and the wharekai is Morikaunui. The marae connects ancestrally to the waka Aotea, the maunga Ruapehu and the awa Whanganui.
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Key information
- Rōhe
- Te Tai Hauāuru
- Community Trust
- Whanganui Community Foundation
- Awa
- Whanganui
- Maunga
- Ruapehu
- Wharekai
- Morikaunui
- Whare
- Whiri-Taunoka